News - Borobudur Park

Borobudur has 25 events in 2007

Here are the complete list of events in Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko in 2017: March 27, Tawur Agung Prambanan April 9, Ratu Boko Yoga & Meditation Day 11-12, Lomba Cipta Kreasi Tari Borobudur 17, Mandiri Jogja International Marathon May 6-7, Borobudur International Conference 1-30, Borobudur Photo Contest 11, Vesak at Borobudur 20, Prambanan Music, Art, […]

Borobudur Temple Presents Karmawibangga Dance Every Month

Magelang provides a new tourist attraction in its famous Borobudur Temple. A Kidung Karmawibangga sendratari (dance-drama) dance will be performed on the second Saturday of every month at Borobudur Temple Tourism Park in Magelang, Central Java province. “[It is] performed on an open stage at Borobudur Temple’s Lumbini Park,” the founder of Brata Penangkaran Borobudur […]

Calendar of Events 2017

Borobudur will Receive Funding from The World Bank

Borobudur will be one of the ten recipient of World Bank aid for Indonesian tourist destination. Three out of ten aid recipient will be prioritized because of manpower shortage, those tourist destinations are Borobudur, Lake Toba, and Mandalika. The aid fund will be used for building infrastructure like airport, roads, and river management. The fund […]

Ancient Musical Instruments in Sound of Borobudur

Sound of Borobudur as a part of Borobudur Cultural Feast has one surprise for both performers and spectators. Artists are able to replicate the musical instruments depicted on the Karmawibhangga relief at Borobudur Temple. String instruments (called dawai) and wind instrument are going to be played in Sound of Borobudur. There are several depiction of […]

Borobudur Cultural Feast 2016

PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, & Ratu Boko and Sinergi BUMN present Borobudur Cultural Feast 2016 Gotong Royong Pitutur Agung Guyub Rukun Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi Jayaning Nusantara Amargo Laku Lelaku   SONJO KAMPUNG Sonjo Kampung is an activity of direct penetration of the intent and purpose of Borobudur Cultural Feast.   Activities: Team […]

International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day is Here Embassy of India Jakarta, and PT TWC Present INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY Yoga for harmony and Peace Wisnu Area Prambanan Temple Sunday, June 26 2016 04.00 PM get the wonderful experience yoga with master from India. Get the peace feel from the honest place in Prambanan Temple With International Yoga Master […]

Pre-Vesak Event 2016 PILGRIMAGE TOUR

Pre-Vesak Event 2016 PILGRIMAGE TOUR a Pre-Vesak event 2016 “PILGRIMAGE TOUR” Start with a sunrise prayer in Borobudur Temple that lead by Bhikkhu Sri Pannyavaro Mahathera (Head of Mendut Buddhist Monastery) Then continued to visit Mendut Temple (Magelang Central Java) Sewu Temple (Yogyakarta ) Plaosan Temple (Klaten Central Java) Kalasan Temple (Yogyakarta) Get The magical […]

International Buddhist Conference

PRE-VESAK EVENT 2016 Borobudur International Buddhist Conference “Borobudur The Mandala Of Enlightenment And Word Peace” A International Buddhist Conference that held in Concourse Borobudur Park, 19 May 2016. With keynote speaker DR Arief Yahya (Minister of Tourism Republic of Indonesia) * and Guest Speaker Geshe Tenzin Zopa ( A Nepalese Tibetan Buddhist. Foundation for The Preservation […]