Deputy Foreign Minister of India H.E. Mrs. Vijay Thakur Singh Visit Borobudur Temple
Deputy Foreign Minister of India H.E. Mrs. Vijay Thakur Singh along with the group on Monday 21 January 2019 visited the Borobudur Temple.
During his visit the Indian Foreign Minister accompanied by H.E. Mr. Pradeep Kumar Rawat (Indian Ambassador), Mr. Prakash Gupta (Deputy Ambassador), Mr. Aftab Alam (Staff from India), Mrs. Shruti Pandey (Embassy Officer).
Deputy Foreign Minister of India H.E. Mrs. Vijay Thakur Singh was welcomed by General Manager of Borobudur I Gusti Putu Ngurah Sedana. On this occasion, I Gusti Putu Ngurah Sedana give a souvenir and continued with a photo session with H.E. Mrs. Vijay Thakur Singh.
The event then continued by walking around the Borobudur Temple. H.E. Mrs. Vijay Thakur Singh seemed enthusiastic to hear the explanation about the reliefs of Borobudur Temple.
Source: TWC Media
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